you are looking at the tone potentiometer. the orange drop is a capacitor, im no expert i just built a hand full of cbg's and learned just enough to do what i wanted to, the capacitor, works to vary tone from high to low, don't know exactly how it does it , grounds parts of the signal some how i think, any how its just a capacitor, and its suppose to be a good one
Yummy cap. You do clean work.
you are looking at the tone potentiometer. the orange drop is a capacitor, im no expert i just built a hand full of cbg's and learned just enough to do what i wanted to, the capacitor, works to vary tone from high to low, don't know exactly how it does it , grounds parts of the signal some how i think, any how its just a capacitor, and its suppose to be a good one
Can you explain what does this orange drop do? Or maybe show us the wiring diagram. Thank you in advance.
Oops. I used something else ๏_๏