Old Splotchy top revised

So i made a new bridge for Splotchy Top. It's purple heart and darker than the the Cherry bridge i made at first. I like it better. Not so odd shaped. Simple. It goes with the red in the rosette and covers the strange print under the old fixed bridge.
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  • Go Maddog, go! Enjoy the day and sunshine.
  • It's 71F and sunny here now Dave, hopping on the Harley to go into the big city (Omaha) and pick up cigars :-) 

    Break in the rain so I'm gonna take advantage.

    Gotta hurry though,


  • We're in a blow off Lake Superior. A nor easter. All the windows rattling. Snow predicted for tomorrow, 6 more sloppy inches. However, my retirement party happens tomorrow with a pot luck and music. :^) .....Hovering at freezing.....
  • Not a lot of snow here but cold as hell all winter, we are in the middle of a bad drought but finally got a good rain yesterday. Temps are perfect now hoovering around that 60F degree mark. 

  • Ya Snow Maddog, we got about 5 inches of sloppy the day before. We're now up to 153 inches for the year and #3 in snowfall record since records were kept. It's been the coldest winter on record. Everyone is anxious for Spring. Managed to get two short rows of onions in before the snow hit. Now, there's more in the forecast.
  • Oh I like that Dave!



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