
Guitar by Michael Ballerini, Slide by Dave Lynas, Hat by Pumkin Head.
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  • Good poem, Paco.  (I have an uneducated guess that Pick's real first name is Paco - can anyone verify or discredit that?)

    Thanks, Alan.  I am photogenic as all heck.

  • Nice Git, Nice Slide, and Nice Hat, which really compliments your unique facial features  :-D 

  • Keep away from Pumpkinhead,
    Unless you're tired of living,
    His enemies are mostly dead,
    He's mean and unforgiving,

    Laugh at him and you're undone,
    But in some dreadful fashion,
    Vengeance, he considers fun,
    And plans it with a passion,

    Time will not erase or blot,
    A plot that he has brewing,
    It's when you think that he's forgot,
    He'll conjure your undoing,

    Bolted doors and windows barred,
    Guard dogs prowling in the yard,
    Won't protect you in your bed,
    Nothing will, ........from Pumpkinhead!"

  • LOL.  Thanks, guys.

  • Real pumpkin head John!

  • Ready for the world....

  • Thats a fall tan there John!

  • I could tell who it was from just by the hat.

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