NFS BluesSonic EarFuckonic

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  • Thanks SS it’s been given the treatment........ may be back together tonight but with my Anzac Day hangover not likely ...... stop typing so loud guys ....


  • Thanks Dave it’s been distressed as I always do keep your eyes peeled .

  • Nice burst Bones. 

  • Thanks AGP#.Ill get back to it after the Two up games down the R ie .... drunken sailor finish coming up ..... 

  • I agree with Korrigan on the Knee Notch :-)

  • Cheers K yep it sits nice should be finished ready to varnish by a Weekend we have some warm weather coming last time I can use spray can varnish winter is just round the corner it’s to cold for it to dry takes 2 weeks if it’s cold . 

  • Looking good Bones! I like the knee notch, should be comfortable to play.

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