took UJ advice and changed out the shiny bolt bridge and decided to use this ..... if you can tell me what it is ill give you this diddley bow free but you pay the shipping ..... what a deal ... heres a hint its man made .....
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  • Well happy birthday for the 30th my wifes is the 28th nov. MMMMMM some pretty good ideas but sorry no cupie doll , i like the way you keep coming back ,ill put up a video with my son jasper confirming what it is . Stay tuned .

  • Not even sure if shipping to the USA will be economically feasible for me, but what the hey, you posted this on my birthday (November 30th) so it seemed like I should have a better-than-average chance.... 

    Lets try a piece of stone or mineral like a kyanite or mica

    OR a piece of fossilized coral 

  • Wow Dano some good choices buy sorry no not any of those Kevin I'm in Tasmania and need my clover for my bees and no not boar tusk sorry try again .
  • Not knowing where you are and what you have available, I will guess:

    Boar's Tusk.

    And judging from some of your other pictures, and as a seed guy, I have to tell you that your lawn has a real bad problem with White Dutch Clover.  Unless those pictures were taken in a pasture.  Then I would say that you have a great stand of White Dutch Clover.

  • Got a few ideas, will try:

    1) narwhal tooth/tusk

    2) dried umbilical cord (ie: not MAN made)

    3) chewing tobacco twist (dried, of course...)

  • sorry but no theres no such thing ..... or is there ...... try again ...
  • A Petrified Tasmanian Tiger Penis   :-D

  • nope Lane not a cow hoof .
  • cow hoof?

  • no there longer and blacker than this mistery piece .... remember its not MAN made .... good try Pick .
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