Sometimes we put in a couple of degrees of "neck drop" or "neck rake" to allow us to put in a taller bridge and thus have a larger string break angle over the bridge. Gives a little more downward pressure on the soundboard and consequently more volume. But that is a whole different subject. A straight neck will be fine.
Neck drop? Not sure what you mean, Gary. I was going to dowel the neck through the soundbox and into the neck block with 3 dowels, and then use one of those screw-bolt fasteners like they use for table legs or a screw as well. Then I was going to X-brace the bottom of the box and put a cross truss at the top under the 18th.fret. The soundboard will be glued to the neckblock and the back will be glued to the neckblock and heel- should be strong enough?
Sometimes we put in a couple of degrees of "neck drop" or "neck rake" to allow us to put in a taller bridge and thus have a larger string break angle over the bridge. Gives a little more downward pressure on the soundboard and consequently more volume. But that is a whole different subject. A straight neck will be fine.
Did you put any neck drop in?