My Port-able amp mark #1

I'm not happy with the material that covers the front, it's twisted and deformed around the knobs. I think I'm going to replace it with a wooden front. Vents in the back might be an idea as well. Oh well, it was an experiment.
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  • Thanks Bug. I've got another of these boxes waiting for my attention. I intend to iron out all the issues that still niggle me about this design.

  • sweet as

  • Looks cool, and I like the handle.  Keep experimenting.  I find that's the way I learn best. Learning what doesn't work is a great way of figuring out what will work.
  • Mucho coolo man!   Much nicer than original store bought look.
  • That is cool and handy.  Like the shape and the handle.  Good to go.  That plaid material is non-traditional, but looks good and matches the cable.  I don't think I would change a thing.  Well, maybe a logo.  Seems like Vinylhead could have a cool logo.
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