Thought some people might enjoy this photo...From the Netherlands National ArchiveMusic lesson in the primary / elementary school Albadeschool in the Hague, the Netherlands, 1957. Rehearsal for a performance of the school orchestra.
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Looks like my old music teacher at school! ...though i didn't know it at the time, his enthusiasm and knowledge of Classical music planted a lot of seeds in my head (-:
the start of the washboard revolution blues?
Now that's education. Great photo Clock. Would make a great poster for a battle of the jug bands.
...and another cool photos you find..!
Nether Netherland...
Nederlanders like clean netherclothes, too.
l was surprised by the washboard in the Netherlands... 8-O
Looks like my old music teacher at school! ...though i didn't know it at the time, his enthusiasm and knowledge of Classical music planted a lot of seeds in my head (-: