my dad probably bought a car from that car dealer advertised on the yard stick...i lived in KC when i was 3 , my dad is always talking about places that have been torn down or whatever from when we lived there...llike i am going to remember a gas station from when i was 3...crap, i cant remember what i had for supper the nite before electronics whatsoever. I know I know....the ear bleed crank it to 11 Maddog doing an acoustic only??? Out of all the years I've built I've never done an acoustic only build and here it is. I'm really happy with the sound I'm getting from the hammered reso, and I'm thinking this is a model I can get into folk's hands for a little less investment on their part. Just a fun little porch picker :-)
Thanks Darryl! What year would your Dad have lived in KC? Trying to date the yardstick.
Thanks UJ!
Thanks AGP!
Thanks Bjorn! I like that angle too ;-)
My favourite angle for a Picture!!! The git really deserves that!
"Nice Build", every man has to have at least one "Two String Chugger"
Good, I hope to sample it Monday.
nice build...sorry , got off on a rant and forget to say i liked gutiar
my dad probably bought a car from that car dealer advertised on the yard stick...i lived in KC when i was 3 , my dad is always talking about places that have been torn down or whatever from when we lived there...llike i am going to remember a gas station from when i was 3...crap, i cant remember what i had for supper the nite before electronics whatsoever. I know I know....the ear bleed crank it to 11 Maddog doing an acoustic only??? Out of all the years I've built I've never done an acoustic only build and here it is. I'm really happy with the sound I'm getting from the hammered reso, and I'm thinking this is a model I can get into folk's hands for a little less investment on their part. Just a fun little porch picker :-)