Headstock - please overlook the crappy string job... this build sure brought home the notion that most everything having to do with how well a guitar plays has to do with how it is set up from the nut on up. Before I put the string trees on, it sounded crappy....
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Looks good. Maybe next time, move the trees just a little farther up from the nut, so it's not so aggressive. Will help with tuning, and string breakage. Overall the CBG looks very classy. Especially for a first build. Makes my first on look like a first grader!
Rinnie, I should also mention that some people use hook and eyes and they work fine. I have one that I bought that was set up that way and it is perfect.
Hi Rinnie! Thanks so much!!!! I think I got them online -- Ebay probably.... If you look for the seller Bezdez, you should be able to find some at a reasonable price....