Cohiba Box Lesson Learned

Today I went to install my new Ted Crocker pickup in my son's Cohiba guitar. I cut the hole slid in the pickup then place a few drops of super glue to hold it in place. I was in a hurry so I sprayed some accelerator to set it quicker. Well....the accelerator took off the finish. I tried to stain it again but it would not take a finish. I was going to scrap the box and try to find another blond Cohiba Toro box. I called my son at college and he said Dad it doesn't matter to me if the Cohiba is on it. So I sanded the finish off, stained it maroon (Texas A&M color) and sunburst it black with my new airbrush. It turned out great. The figure in the wood really pops.What I love about making these guitars is it is work of art, there is no right or wrong!!!!!
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  • I think that sometimes mistakes are in the eye of the maker. I was carving a celtic cross, got frustrated after dropping and breaking it. Tossed it into the trash can. Later my neighbor was over and saw in the can and asked me to finish it for him, told him I would do a new one for him. But, he wanted that one, so I repaired and finished it. He was tickled to death with it. It hangs in his kitchen. I saw a mistake, he didn't.

  • I wish my mistakes turned out that beautiful. Very nice.

  • Looks like plan b turned out great. Super glue and pickup in the same sentence just sounds like trouble to me.

  • Hi Greg, had problems with super glue accelerator myself in the past. The accelerator tends to whiten the super glue if it's applied too quickly and spoils the finish and has to be sanded away to remove it. One of the things I have found to my frustration is that two part epoxy will never set if it is in contact with super glue either wet or dry, old or new. At least your story had a good ending, nice one mate. All the best Chris. :)   

  • Now THAT is one heck of a happy accident...

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