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  • Looking for a brother, John Yuknis.  Went to high school with the gent.  Awesome cartoonist back then.  Can only imagine what he can create now.  Want to do a Seth McFarland thing, only called the Politicians.  All about the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC.  You can google it.  It, is what is creating such a mess in American.  Shoving the little guy out of existence in the name of Politicians and Big Corp. Money.  If you know of him can you pass it on.  I do believe music is a huge part in bringing us all back together.  All nationalities.

  • Bob is a lover, just as we all are.  Sweet kitty, though he came into a very loving home.  Moved into a place October 1, 2012 and lost him for three days and nights.  Mom and brother Ben went on the prowl relentlessly, morning, noon and night, as we are known to be.....relentless, and found him on the third night.  It was an incredible thing.  We travel tight with God.

  • strange looking git . 0.O

  • Meow!

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