Lefty GD Chugger

Tried a few new ideas out on this build.

1. A new version of 3D printed tuners I found on the internet; didn't realized the go the wrong direction until I strung it up. That's going to drive me nuts.
2. I went with 17 frets so I can work on learning an instrumental version of Scarborough Fair.
3. Tried out a new approach to sound holes using a hexagonal insert and pattern.
4. No more machine screws and nuts as I used deck screws to hold it all together.

Don't know if I will keep the nickel wound strings, I've become partial to flourocarbon fishing line.

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  • Glad to hear this shape looks good BrianQ! Every design is a work in process, but I got lucky this time as the box was just the right size to use the last version of this design unaltered.

  • Great shape, did it take a few times to get right?

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