Oh you don't have to explain yourself to me Andy, I have the sickness too man! I am waiting for them to come out with the newest tv show called "Cigar Box Hoarders" I'm sure I would be episode #1.
These are just the "A" lot ones. Then I have the "amp" boxes, the "so-so" boxes, the "cannibalizing" boxes and lastly I have the " why am I keeping this ?" boxes. Soon I may need an interventionif I dont get building something.
Bah! If only it was possible to get your hands on boxes like those in the UK!
You are not alone---I have boxes all over the shop, and all over the house, and I still want more :)
Oh you don't have to explain yourself to me Andy, I have the sickness too man! I am waiting for them to come out with the newest tv show called "Cigar Box Hoarders" I'm sure I would be episode #1.
These are just the "A" lot ones. Then I have the "amp" boxes, the "so-so" boxes, the "cannibalizing" boxes and lastly I have the " why am I keeping this ?" boxes. Soon I may need an interventionif I dont get building something.
Inspiring photo :-)