
Build #5
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  • Good advice!

  • Keni Lee's lessons are great.  But check out more until you find the ones that hit the nail on the head - for you.

  • I have been meaning to check his stuff out.  I have some of Keni Lee Burgess' lessons, and I have found those to be very helpful.

  • A little at a time adds up to more than the player realizes.  

    For sure, try out knotlenny's CBG 101 and other lessons in Resources,  'How To Play' at page top.

  • Thanks, Uncle John!  My playing is slowly improving.  Wish I had more time to play, but I will have to settle for a little improvement at a time for now.  

  • Hey, Mickey!    For a clean, simple player, this gets very fine marks.  

    How is the playing coming along?

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