
Setting up hubcap hit. Carved neck through tail from a hardwood fence post. Hubcap from 1948 FJ Holden (iconic Australian General Motors car)
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  • Thanks agp but I was not entirely happy with it as it was my first go at something like this and still having issues getting a gooresult with a piezo pick up
  • "Sweeeeeeeeet", have built quite a few Hub Cap Gits, some them FX & FJ builds, they are my favourites, still got a few unused ones in the shed, have been undecided for the last few weeks on what my next CBG build was going to be, BUT! now I think I know !!!!!

  • A clapped out blue FJ, which farted then it shit itself on Jutland Parade, now I'm living next door to Alan ... LOL ! Glad the geetar is good :-)
  • Thanks turned out pretty good in the end. Bit unfortunate that Kevin bloody Wilson made it to the uk......
  • Cool ! I have an MG Hubcap geetar ! 

    I have heard of the Holden FJ via an old Kevin Bloody Wilson song lol ! :-)

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