Heading to a wedding.

Nope, I don't get to play.
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  • You scrubbed up well UJ . 

  • Thanks, Jock!

  • Looking good there, both you and the geetah!

  • Thanks, Chris!

  • Thanks, guys.  It was purty nice wedding.  I left the hat at home.  Good sentiments and way to be, Jim.   If I had to save and keep only one guitar, this one would likely be the one.  It is versatile. 

  • "Mr Cooooooool", the Hat and Big Box look like they would make a couple of fine Wedding Presents :-D :-D

  • Snazzy

  • Another lost opportunity for the  " titties and tires" song    :-/

  • You are a one Cool Dude Uncle John.

  • You don’t get to play? You could stand up when the preacher says ” is there anyone here who has a problem with this marriage” ? Then belt out Ragged old Truck...

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