No not a vibrating engraver, it's more like a Dremels underdeveloped step brother, it's got a gritty ball type bit that looks like it comes off but i haven't seen any replacement bits, and their cheap enough you can just buy more.
I guess you would say carved, I used a little pen type engraving unit I got from Harbor Freight, AAA bats and pretty good on softer woods. I think I paid 8 bucks for it. I used carbon paper to transfer the image, hogged it out and blackened it with a sharpie.
So your saying it is one of those vibrating engravers, like someone might use to put my initials on tools and such?
You are basically "denting" the wood and coloring it in? Not really hogged out but "depressed?
If so, that is brilliantly simple! I love it!
Are those "embellishments" burned, branded, carved, please describe!
Very nice touch!