
This is my first experience building a CBG and I did it with mostly the wrong tools but I went at it with a "get it done" attitude that made it a lot of fun.
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  • WOW, I definitely wouldn't mind a hall display like that! Come to think of it... I do have an empty hall wall or two...might have to get started :D I just have to finish fiddling with this one first...I wanted the action high for slide but I have no idea if its TOO high so I'm looking at that. I used my soldering iron and burned dots on the side for fret markers last night.

  • Bet you can't just make two. This is our hall display. Getting ready to do the other wall soon.


  • :) thank you, I certainly learned some things that will make the next one a lot easier... did I say the words "next one"? Uh oh.

  • Looks great Kelly! My philosophy about tools is there is no wrong tool for the job if it gets the job done. The Git-R-Done attitude will do it everytime :-)


  • Nice! Like the clean look.

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