et_cbg2_bridge - tailpiece

BRIDGE__pickup (failed as a pickup, great as a bridge)I actually mounted a piezo rod in a channel and super glued to the underside of the flat filed bolt and thin laminate...made the mistake of burying it in liquid steel..well that killed any hope of vibration apparently -- when wired up it couldn't' compete in any way with my handmade single coil, not even a usable signal for acoustic tones -- so I just took it out of the wiring and use it as a solid as heck bridge...looks nice anyway -- next bridge Piezo: I'll float the rod in a channel but glued directly to the underside of the bolt and thin wood laminate -- an let it 'float' in an air channel in the thicker base.
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  • I love your pickups, by the way. ridiculously cool stuff you build.
  • er, uh, Bob, I think I might've ripped you off a bit by accident. When I was planning it out it just seemed a natural way to stack the maple-ply to cap the rod channel in the poplar strip...almost looks carved. Then to 'seat' the flat-sided bolt and make it tasty, I put those tiny beveled slivers on either side of the bolt. I figure I'll make some bridges like this even if I don't make them into piezo pkups
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