First Dulcimer

First Dulcimer
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  • 305962418?profile=RESIZE_480x480

  • Madurobob, thanks for the info on the scale!  I appreciate it.

  • Hi Richard, I got it from stewmac:

    Just choose "Dulcimer" from the drop down list, give it any number of frets (I told it 20, then just used the 12 that would fit on my build), and give it the standard Dulcimer scale length of 27 inches (though you can use whatever scale length you want, really).

    I used those stewmac measurments to create a template - basically a fingerboad out of cheap wood with slots cut in it.  Then used that template to slot three dulcimer fingerboards; this pic is the first of the three.

    On another note, knowing next to nothing about dulcimers I did not properly align the strings.  I spread them evenly.  But, the two melody strings should be closer together since they are played together.  Thats a simple update to the nut and saddle that I've made since this pic was taken.

  • Can you tell me where I can find the Dulcimer scale for the neck please?

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