Double neck detail - inside the box

I got a couple of questions about the construction of this when I put up my Amazing Grace video. Here is a shot showing how the tube necks go through the box. Note the bluetack on the catch to stop it flopping about because it doesn't hold properly.
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  • lol, yeah there are some benefits to our rubbish weather after all!!
  • I think it would have to be very hot to soften that glue so busking in the UK is probably fine. Don't take it to Spain in August (just in case you had thoughts of doing that).
  • right, I'll have to be careful on hot days if I take it busking!
  • I don't think it is likely to happen, but if it is all the way round the box it wouldn't take that much of it to stick to make it difficult to open. Always best to keep them clear of anything very hot in any case.
  • uh oh, hadn't thought of that : -/
  • Just don't leave it in very hot sunlight or against a hot radiator. You might not get the box open again ;^)
  • ah I've had that problem with a catch...after trying a few things I ended up putting a thin trail of hot glue round the rim of the box. I let it dry, then when I closed the box the catch was ok. Not ideal I don't think as it means the box is not so tightly shut, but I could hear no sound difference and it's still working ok : -)
  • Hi Oily.

    Thanks for the feedback. Actually, without the strings on the tubes just lay in one half and the other half closes around it. There are two small blocks in the lid, one at each end and a screw goes into each from the back. Because the holes are quite tight on the tubes they tend to stay. Obviously with the strings on the tubes don't go anywhere. Hope it makes sense.

    All the best.


  • John,

    Ahhhh, now I see! Excellent work, especially the tone bar bracing the top. A further Q: how are the rods attached to the box? Glue or screws?
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