I try to explain. For this project i didn't make step by step-pictures. I sawed a hole al little bit smaller than the size of the mintbox.
I glued the tablespoon to the mint box with fluid rubber. After drying out i glued this setup also with liquid rubber in the hole while it rests on the neck that sticks through the box. The hardened out rubber is flexible
enough for whammybar-action and everything stays together. The mintbox rests on the box so the guitar stays well-tuned. Many thanks for your interest. I hope my "technical" English is understandable enough.:)
I glued the tablespoon to the mint box with fluid rubber. After drying out i glued this setup also with liquid rubber in the hole while it rests on the neck that sticks through the box. The hardened out rubber is flexible
enough for whammybar-action and everything stays together. The mintbox rests on the box so the guitar stays well-tuned. Many thanks for your interest. I hope my "technical" English is understandable enough.:)