Seventh time's the charm. My seventh build is another 3 stringer. Tuned GBg. Piezo pick up and volume knob. I made the action somewhat high but used Ernie Ball light acoustic metal strings to make it easier to fret. No buzz this time!
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Thanks, Maddog. I wanted to cut the headstock into something Fender inspired but not an exact Strat copy. Think I finally got the angle right. Also, I've done 7 guitars so far and I don't think any two have the exact same sound holes. I just couldn't decide on one single style so I've just stopped trying to decide.
Thanks, Maddog. I wanted to cut the headstock into something Fender inspired but not an exact Strat copy. Think I finally got the angle right. Also, I've done 7 guitars so far and I don't think any two have the exact same sound holes. I just couldn't decide on one single style so I've just stopped trying to decide.
Good lookin' build Mike! I like the headstock and the soundholes a cool.