
Not CBG related, but it is hand made out of (mostly) found wood. My first furniture build. To hold my other interest, Bonsai trees.
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  • Hey Bluesheart, What's your favorite kind of bonsai pot? The one on the left looks nice, how's that one done as to keeping your tree happy? The littlest one looks very happy indeed. Do these pots have large drain holes like others i've seen? A potter wants to know... Dave

  • I'm a big Bonsai guy.....and i love what you've done to your trees. Nice work on the Japanese Maple,Short Needle Pine and Junipers. I can't see from the picture what the tree is on far left but, did you bind the branch that way? Also the tree second from the right?

  • Very nice Bluesheart. Love the lines. It goes with your forest. Nice work.

  • Ah. Olay...

    Nice table, tho...

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