Bold CBG 2

Bold CBG 2
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  • thanks for the review, I appreciate your comment. Yes, I have to think about other options than the wooden frame that is cut from cigar boxes; metal would be cool, but I don't know an easy-to-get source. A thin hemp rope around it would be also an option. Or just leaving it without a frame... let's think...

  • Yes I'll Buy another one...

  • Thanks for the comments.... NOW the Flat Pup... the Flat-Pup is interesting... I bought this 6-8 months ago and finally had a chance to install it..#119 I think. The pup is a great pup. the sound is a slight bit different then a regular humbucker including the lower priced pups from Gitty. Not bad but just slightly different. I would refer you to the Flat Pup website for video's for sound because I just SUCK at playing. The wood around the pup is cut to precision, I understand the wood is cut from Cigar Boxes, that could be the reason my wood was dry and brittle, extreme care needs to be taken with the outer wood before installation as to not crack the wood protecting the pup. As for me looking back, I would have preferred to not have the wood but either a Gold color pup guard out of brass or plain black out of plastic.. Maybe the price could even be reduced because the pup for the 3 string is square and maybe a common guard could be found... Again the pup is cut to precision, don't know how but it is a nicely cut piece of wood. As for Volume.. I've placed a 500k pot on it and I believe I need to get a 250k instead..I only get volume from 8-10 on the pot..STRINGS 24, 34, 42..  Now TIME.. the reason for the Flat Pup is for me to save time. But for me to have to install 2 Volume pots meaning drive to the store spend 10.00 each for the long stem pots, unscrew the string guides  multiple times to open the lid because it's screwed down, Solder multiple times because either the wrong pot or I have a Hum do to my wiring NOT the PUP... didn't save me the time I was hoping... A normal Humbucker install in the wood and to build the neck to fit SUCKS... so as for now, time is just spent in a different place....As a review.. I HATE Volume Pots...I really really do...  Hope this helps and I'm gonna forward this to Flat Pup as they request feedback.... Latter

  • Hip bone !!!!!!!! that is bad ass guitar !!!   I just keep coming back to the picture ,, all the intricate things u did to it

    is superb !!!,, What about the Klnagbox p-u    U like  ??  been thinking about buying some   as i found a better supply of boxes 

  • This thing is smoken!!!
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