Bikers Bash pic 2

Bikers Bash pic 2
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  • Hello Mr Brickdust,

    I loved your comment on "earning my colours" also heard some good things about you from Stumble Col the other night,

    That's a snap shot of me during my ill fated Bikers Bash gig a few weeks ago , As with the 8 & 15 second vid clips it's one of only a few pics that were taken that day that I have been able to salvage from phones of friends who were watching. I got let down by a mate who was filming it on his iphone and then realised later that his phone memory was full....Oh how we laughed....Tosser!! I have some other longer footage but I can't upload it as yet.

    You can see on one of the vids (if you're quick) a guy taking photo's with a camera, I need to track him down, that's the story.....morning glory Thanks for your interest.....Kev.

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