Big Red relic Tele rebuild

Almost done! She sounds sweet. The Prodigee pickup is Hot. I've made a custom bridge to replace the metal spring kind. Mine is cow bone from a friends dog's collection. It seems to be holding up. It's taller than the metal replacements. I've got the action low and clean.
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  • Ya Clock, Isaiah is a baddass little uke player gone 6 string. He'll have to play in the garage, but that's one way.... and thanks Bluesheart.
  • That is a beauty!

  • Ծ‿-  Someone's been B-B-B-BADDD this year!!!

  • Thanks JP, Thanks Pick, I like her too. I think my grandson Isaiah will love this Santa Boogie machine.
  • She's gorgeous Dave! I love red anyway but I also love wood grain. The two together here the way you've done this is just fantastic looking! I like your new, improved bridge

  • dat  iz thexy   ! 


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