you got it Clock! i'm not a 20-in-a-day production line builder, each one is 2 weeks of painstaking attention to detail (maybe the odd little slip... ), all my builds are thoroughly tested and unique ! New boxes ordered and having some new headstock badges made up (-:
you got it Clock! i'm not a 20-in-a-day production line builder, each one is 2 weeks of painstaking attention to detail (maybe the odd little slip... ), all my builds are thoroughly tested and unique ! New boxes ordered and having some new headstock badges made up (-:
I want a CBG with a Slowpaw
I want a CBG with an easy touch
I want a builder who will spend some time
Not come and go in a heated rush
I want a builder who will understand
When it comes to CBG's,
I want a Slowpaw
(apologies to The Pointer Sisters)
nice one Digly....tho' things ain't that desperate, i still have the day job...! (-:
"CBGs, a gift that lasts,
Buy one now or I'll kick your ...."
Actually, you're better off sticking to your own slogan - great work Steve !
"towards " would have worked . ;-)
buy "by" is much bett i agree ;-)
...better? (-;
i know i did that originally but "to" sounded better somehow..! (-;
That is very cool. Not to sound like a grammar nerd, but shouldn't it read '"be tempted BY a Slowpaw cigar box guitar' ?
Sweeeet.....nice guitar too