AGP #387 - “Lamb Roast”3 String Roasting Pan GuitarScale : 685.8mm / 27 inchesStrings : .052NW / .036NW / .026NW /Tuning: D / A / d /The Roasting Pan was discarded by the boss of the house a couple of years ago, and has been sitting under the work bench ever since, a recent similar build posted by Miku, prompted me to do something with it, it’s the 3rd Roasting Pan Build I’ve done, and is a little larger than the other 2, was going to leave the Pan ‘au naturel’, but after wiping off some sharpie marks with Acetone the unknown coating started to come off, so I kept going!, so it’s a bit of a mixture of Rustic and Shiny, the Neck is an unknown hardwood, the emphasis being on “bloody hard”, which is evident by the burnt saw marks, it did get a little touch up with 80 grit sandpaper, to take the sharp edges and splinters off, and then applied a couple of coats of 50/50 Mineral Turps and Linseed Oil, the Bridge and Tailpiece were made from Plumbers Copper Tubing, and an 11.9k Open Humbucker is wired through a Tone Pot to the Output Jack.:-)
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"Thanks Dave!", the hard timber and the bluntish saw toasted it nicely :-D