AGP #228 - ''Shetland Gue''

After viewing and being highly impressed by the “Shetland Gue” video posted by Matthew Borczon, of course I had to build one!, and as he said, it was easy enough to build despite the lack of info on the internet, and also pretty cheap (less than $10AUS).I used a PDF file called Jouhikko+Plans, (a 3 string build, which I will link), for the basic measurements etc; there wasn’t any info on scale length, so I went with 327mm / 127/8 inches, which I believe was the scale used by “Stradivarius” (who I presume Knew what they were doing);-).The frame is Spruce Pine from my endless supply of recycled Piano, the top and bottom are 3mm Radiata Pine Ply, the Bridge and Tailpiece are Cypress Pine, and the Tail Piece Knob is from a Venetian Blind draw chord, all coated with ‘Old Baltic’ stain, and a mixture of Linseed Oil and Turps.There is a cut down Piezo Rod sandwiched under the Bridge, and hard wired to the Output JackWasn’t going to go with tradition, and use horse hair strings, but have no idea what to use, at the moment have it strung with 100lb (0.039) and 80lb (0.035) nylon fishing line tuned (by plucking) to GD, a dead-set failure, because I can’t even get a screech out of it!, again don’t know if it’s the strings or lack of resin on the bow, probably a combination of the both!!, I guess violin strings is the answer, but unsure of type & gauge etc; HELP!!!Didn’t try to make a Bow, instead bought a budget 1/8th Horse Hair Violin Bow and some Resin, don’t know if it’s the Resin or me, but!, I can’t for the life of me get it to adhere to the Horsies Hair???The main intention for this build, was that I thought it would be a good introduction to Bowed Instruments, but I’m not having much luck at the moment!
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  • "Thanks Again" Dave Lynas, the cheap Violin & Cello strings from China sounds like my style!!!!

  • It's definitely not rocket science, but not a no brainier either. Jerry gets his hair from people that collect it for him. Horse people get a lot of it in their horse grooming. He combs it out to get it sorted for length. I can't remember much more. I never followed up on making my own. I like the cheap Chinese bows just fine. I have one good bow. 50$ Cello bow. It is wonderful. I like cheap violin strings from China. Cello strings are awesome. Long and strong and smooth flat wound.
  • "Thanks" Dave Lynas, for the info, I did think about heating the resin, but wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do, will definitely give it a try!!, also initially thought about horse hair strings, but wasn't sure of where to source them from successfully (quarantine laws etc), or how to go about using it, as to the process of winding etc;

  • Regarding the violin strings, sadly my first post was everything I know! But they are definitely made to play with a bow.
  • "Thanks" gary herget, for your ideas, which have all been taken on board!

  • "Thanks", Uncle John, Yep! your right Jim would be "The Man"

  • "Thanks" Bluesheart, will try lighter gauge nylon and steel strings, but I think the lack of resin on the bow might be the main problem!

  • "Thanks" Kigar, for the tips, did try some Utube ideas with no success, Violin Strings should be the answer?

  • "Thanks" the anonymous pick

  • It just takes a little while to break in your bow, strings, and rosen. A new rosin will be stiff at first and slide on the bow. I've gently heated mine a little by my fire and it gets softer and easy to apply. Don't wipe your strings for a while to get a good coating. Don't worry, it will work. Nice job AGP. I have a friend here that is a world renown Yohiko maker and player. Real horse hair, the works. He showed me how to make a bow from scratch. He gave me a prototype Yohiko he made as an experiment. I still have it. His name is Jerry Henkle. He makes Contolas also (sp?).

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