"The Second Build in the Pot Lid Trilogy"AGP #219 - “Green Pot” - (3 String Pot Lid Guitar)Scale : 641.35mm / 25 ¼inchesStrings : .0.46NW / .034NW / .026NWTuning: G / D / g /Free green enamel pot lid & saw blade, $1.50 charity shop purchased stainless steel bowl, recycled hardwood neck & fret board coated with 50/50 linseed oil & turps, aluminium angle nut, threaded rod bridge, hinge tailpiece, a 9.09k dual rail humbucker is hard wired as a single unit to the jack.I don’t know if the saw blade makes any difference to the sound etc; but will experiment later with it taken out, attached under the through neck, or maybe with some sort of spring arrangement added???
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"Thanks" Mr Pick.
"Thanks " Dave, there's plenty more blades floating around in the shed to cut the cheese with!!!
"Thanks" Wes, will let you know if it sounds any different, for better or worse, when time permits me to start experimenting!
Beautiful AGP. You'd never know there was a saw in there. But how else are you going to cut the cheese?