5 for the Blues n Booze festival

#26,27,28,29&30 almost completed just need to string up the 2 uni Crow style builds ..Looks like the dogs well excited as I am to finish them off . Cheers for the Bow Beep .
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  • Thanks Brian I use wine bottle tops as my control knobs just fill with hot glue let it set then drill the hole to suit the pot , easy as pie .Yes I hope to sell but won't be disappointed if I don't they will go into the 2 shops I supply for there sales .Yep Dave Slide dog like the colourful one ... Hey wait a minute aren't they colour blind ........

  • Slide Dog makes his choice! Good Dog...

  • Nice work Jeff, these all look terrific mate! Like the Monopole very much, also what you do with your control knobs, they look very cool. Hope you get some well deserved sales at the fest.

  • Thanks Dennis it turned out real nice plays great .

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