I had been using the other ones and I had forgot about these also, They are definitely much easier to fit. No curvature to deal with, and they sound pretty darn good. The picture of the cat is from the soda fountain that was in Greensburg Kansas before the mile wide EF5 tornado ripped through the town and demolished all but a couple of houses, I think 11 people lost their lives out of the more than 2000 residents. Quite a miracle that more were not lost. That was the home town of my wife and we had just moved her parents here 2 months earlier so they escaped the event.
I had been using the other ones and I had forgot about these also, They are definitely much easier to fit. No curvature to deal with, and they sound pretty darn good. The picture of the cat is from the soda fountain that was in Greensburg Kansas before the mile wide EF5 tornado ripped through the town and demolished all but a couple of houses, I think 11 people lost their lives out of the more than 2000 residents. Quite a miracle that more were not lost. That was the home town of my wife and we had just moved her parents here 2 months earlier so they escaped the event.
Purty. I kind of forgot about the uke rod piezo equalizers like on beautiful brownie (top). They would be good on some of my recent relic builds.