
my boy bear. waiting for me to try and play some more. my good friend and faithful companion. n.tn better n a good dog and a great time with a cbg
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  • Thank you Ryan,  it was my first one, and im still playin it. its my ol cry baby  haha. makes a crazy back ground sorta crying sound when i play it. kinda cool.

  • That's a great looking guitar!  

  • Man slim I hear ya on the gun stuff. Ill tell ya what.  itll soon be where its gonna be tough to own guns here too. Ive made sure all three of my daughters  I taught how to shoot rifle pistol and shotgun. both in defence offence and to hunt with. all three also know how to navigate with compass and map both day and night. since little tikes.  my middle daughter was the deer getter of the bunch haha. she took more deer en me in the total count i think. I built her first large game rifle when she waqs 13 6.5x55 swedish  I got the action and built the rest from there.  til this day she is still knockin back game.  knocked back a nice 6 pointed mule deer last season.  that gal is a crack shot with that thing. its funny though it looks so tiny to her now.  one thing that they missed though was trapping and coursing . like you did/ do.  thats a skill all in its own.   I hear ya about blues artists that you just respect.  ive got tons of respect for the old delta guys. they lived hard and the music came from their heart not the amount of money htey could make .  Man whats with girls these days. men must be real weenies,  my daughter is 22 and she already is talkin that dont need a man sh9it. ??  rather just hand out with pop and build gits and what not. haha.  whell i dont know aobut you slim but i dang sure like to have a gal around. haha.  So the pics of her git are up. and she wanted me to ask about your amp, did you buy a kit for it or just kit bash for parts. she got a cool old philco radio and she ( now has a git to need an amp for )

  • Nice one Antonio, you're lucky where you live, to be able to own a gun, we live in a country where guns are getting harder and harder to own. I live in Whitehawk, a really rough area of Brighton, a sort of no go area for the police, they only come into my area in riot vans usually! So as a result the chance of owning a gun in this area is zero! I'll look forward to seeing the pics of your daughter's guitar mate! Gary Moore the guitarist is buried about two miles from here, I go every week, usually on Monday and visit his grave, but it's absolutely pouring with rain, so I'll let that blow over first! it sounds freaky but I always say hello, I respected him and his playing so much, and he died far too soon. He used to come to our local blues bar 'The Ranelagh in Brighton and play for free with any collections donated to the local charities! He was living in Hove which is part of our city, but he died in Spain where he was on holiday with his girlfriend, he had a heart attack and choked in his sleep! I hope your daughter sticks to the guitar mate, there's always room for more female guitarists, my friend Anna who lives in Sweden is keen too, she say's she's given up on men now, and guitars are more important to her. I said she's only 28 and far too young to give up yet, but she's certain that men are mainly users and she's going to manage without one!Funnily enough though, my youngest girl, Lewis and Ellie's mom,  is 30 and she's the same, she say's  she's better off without a man in her life, except for me of course, the babysitter and taxi driver!

  • well alright alright , thanks for the tip slim.  Sorta like we do chukkar when they are still floppin.  Now adays if im on some bunny its .22 subsonic to the dome .   if my dachhunds dont get thay ass first . !!!  haha.   My daughter finished her first electro git last night . she carved her first bridge too. and fretted it.  it sounds top shelf , for disc piezo. and rooks putting it together . so thats prolly second from the bottom shelf for the rest of the world. haha.  ill post up some pics when i get a chance. hell she aint even let me play shes been wailing on it all evening.  wants to play light ligtnin hopkins haha

  • Antonio, just hold 'em by the back legs, head down, slip your hand behind the ears, grip, twist and push down hard, they're gone! Just a couple of seconds and it's done.

  • heck my hand would hurt from karate choppin all them suckas in the back of the neck haha

  • Thanks Antonio,

                                I appreciate that, I think there were over ninety in that pic, my record was 133 from a horse riding school that no one had ever worked the nets and ferrets on before, virgin ground so to speak. I had 300 metres of long nets and six ferrets, + my two lurcher dogs, Digga and Sally, both dead now sadly, and we caught 133 in five and a half hours of sheer madness! My kitchen floor looked like a rabbit skin carpet, my wife wasn't very happy when she came home and saw them all laid out! My wrists ached like crazy by the time I'd skinned and dressed them all.

  • yeah slim, im with uncle John. when I go im gettin threes and fours,  lucky or great day is 6 or 7  but i aint never seen a line up like that with my eyes , hell not even in pics til now hahaha  you are the rabbit master , i guess your nic  nic name is rabbit master slim  i see why you come from nail town cause you can nail sone rabbits my friend. !!

  • Uncle John,

                         we moved from our local town and went South  200 miles to Brighton about 16 years ago and my poor wife thought that was the end of the hunting stage. Wrong, as soon as the furniture was unpacked I was over to the local golf course getting permission to rid them of their rabbits! Within a couple of months I had 5 local courses and about 7 or 8 farms with legal permission. Mate, it was quite a relief for my wife, she dreaded the thought of me being chased by gamekeepers and farmers again! I still poached on occasion though, it just made it feel a bit more of a challenge!

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