2013-01-30 23.01.32

2013-01-30 23.01.32
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  • I've not seen one of these on a Teisco, but it looks like a nice one. Pick probly knows it. It's very nice! I think it might be an improvement. If it doesn't adjust, there's always washers to add height....
  • hi  barry  ..  the  poles  on the end  should   turn   with a screwdriver  ,   they are threaded   inside  ,  turning them  adjusts height  .   im  guessing someone   just    screwed   them in tight  because  it  was a   lose bridge    and the  didnt want to  lose the  parts  .

  • Ok so here's my bridge post and the sadle sitting next to it for this teisco. and in the next pict ure it just sits on top of it with no way to adjust the heigth.  I need some more heigth. I just don't know if theres another piece that goes on it.

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