This was an old box, a length of steel extrusion for the neck (no frets) and two soundhole covers which were in a drawer in an engineering shop. They were very rusty! The nut was a piece of scrap aluminium extrusion too. Sounded pretty good, perhaps because the neck was hollow? Who knows.
Thanks Dave! Techno religious eh? I like it.
Has a techno religious look to it. Clean work!
Thanks Bluesheart! So do I, but I've no idea what they were.
Very cool look, love those hole covers!!
This was an old box, a length of steel extrusion for the neck (no frets) and two soundhole covers which were in a drawer in an engineering shop. They were very rusty! The nut was a piece of scrap aluminium extrusion too. Sounded pretty good, perhaps because the neck was hollow? Who knows.