#157 - Sometimes a cigar box is not a cigar box guitar. That's because...it's a "Red Dot" CBG PreAmp & Effects box! I found this classic-but-beat, paper-covered '50s cigar pox from PA and decided "Dot" needed a new life. I saw Shane Speal's homemade CBG preamp and took the hint. So I purchased a very inexpensive acoustic guitar preamp and went at it. But. I added my trusty, ancient Alessis Nanoverb effects unit to the mix. After reconfiguring and soldering input/output jacks, grounds, etc., I had myself a really funky, compact 'rack' for my CBGs. "But," you might query, "how does Dot sound?" Very good, friends. Very good, indeed. In fact, it's truly different. Don't believe me? It says so - RIGHT ON THE BOX!
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yup, just a Dot!
Oh. I see now that it must be pretty small. Nice.