Sorry to tell you one is long gone, good news is I have another plate, it's a 1949 version. I generally get $275.00 for these...but we might be able to work something out..shoot me an e-mail
Awww helll you crack dealer! I won't have this machine outta my head all day now! Dag-gummit Darren! My friend here (he too is from the south) is an excellent picker, not yet turned on to CBG's. He is from Tennessee. How much are these (or this one)? Maybe we can do some cash and Diablo boxes (long evil laugh)? I gotta get this for him. He is the guy who tests the guitars I set up or "hot-wire" and will be the guy who tests my CBG's and my "art" guitars when I get to doin' them. I think he'll get "addicted" just like me when he gets his hands on it!
Sorry to tell you one is long gone, good news is I have another plate, it's a 1949 version. I generally get $275.00 for these...but we might be able to work something out..shoot me an e-mail
Lemme know my brutha!
You have a cone underneath?