I've been a member of Cigar Box Nation for around 10 years, give or take. There was a gentleman who I later became friends with, sort of a penpal I guess. He gifted me boxes of guitar parts, the boxes so stuffed and large that I actually cried. I'm a big guy and I don't cry easily, but this guy, this guardian angel, was, and still is, pure heart.

He told me to pay forward, or sell, what I couldn't use. I love building, though, so I built and gifted whole instruments instead. Year one after moving to Scotland, I was blessed to gift 12 CBGs to a charity that works with able bodied and disabled clients to give them a trade, confidence, routine, and friendships. Much more too, I'm sure. I was asked to do a lesson on how to play the instruments when I dropped them off by prearranged appointment. 

That experience, seeing the joy on their faces when they were able to make music in their way with the physical abilities they lived with, was the biggest blessing of my life. The person who gifted me the parts here on Cigar Box Nation, who I am so wanting to name right now but won't out of respect for their request not to, also gifted me that joyous occasion. 

This photo shows the 22 guitars and other instruments (this may, or may not be the full haul) that I was able to gift away this time last year (January 2024), for any donation the recipient chose, to my local church. The initial gifter, the angel amongst us, here on Cigar Box Nation, enabled a dozen of those instruments to reach the lives and hands of children in my village and surrounding areas to have the joy of music fill their lives. Plus, the recipients gave £200 total to the local church who were finally able to get the new sound system that they had been needing for years.

So. You know who you are. I pray life rewards you with blessings as you have blessed me and others, my friend. 


We all have the chance and ability to be angels in our communities.

God bless you all 🙏 

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  • Monumental Dani ! Now that i read this ! cant take em all whit you ! Thats fur sure ! great way to a pure solution ! Classic God Bless ! And You To Grey Bear ! a good exsample for some of us to follow! The Great give away !

  • what a wonderful testimony! God Bles you!

  • You're good men, Ron and Doug. There is a saying, that I love, that goes, "All it takes for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing".

    Another of my favourites is biblical, but just as wonderful, "All there is for us to do is plant the seed. It is God that will germinate it".

    The renowned Forensic Psychologist and Psychotherapist who gave the 2024 Reith lectures (published on BBC Sounds) spoke about "all have the capacity for "evil" within us, so we must nurture and grow the good within to keep the "evil" at bay.". A really interesting four-part podcast to listen to.

    Thank you both for your comments 🙃

  • I agree with Ron, great story! I'm inspired by your generosity.

  • What a great story, just shows that there is still kindness in the world.  They are also great looking builds. I have a large shop and have spent years collecting tools, equipment, etc. I have often thought that if I get to the point that I am unable or no longer enjoying that if I found a young person starting a shop to give it to them or at a bargain price. I Part of my shop I got very cheap from my former father inlaw even after I divorced from his daughter, so I guess part of it would be a pay it forward situation.


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