Got a Swamp Witch

The Elder number 001
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  • Ah just seen it No1...nice one!!¬! 

  • No way... you lucky lucky man....serial number?

  • 305825401?profile=originalJason don't make me release them! Meowwwwwww

  • Its at my house mom,but we went on vacation will get back to you soon real soon!!!!!

  •  Oh where oh where has my Swamp Witch gone!!

  • Clock please send all good ideas to me in private!!!! lol    :-o   Dr. Blues that's my mothers dock on a cut off the river my wife and I went for a visit and we abscond her swamp witch.

  • Awesome, that looks like Meow's playing stage.

  • Mom! Bad news! Doggy buried it off in the woods! Sorry!

    What? Of c-c-course l'm t-t-telling the t-t-truth! WhatmakesyouthinkI'mnot?


  • lol thats a good one !!!

  • awsome  ..  looks like   puppy likes it too  ;-)

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