




July 5

How did you learn about Cigar Box Nation?

Surfing in Internet

How many instruments have you built so far?


What do you find most interesting about cigar box guitars? (If you do not enter at least one meaningful sentence, your membership may be rejected as a spam/bot fake account).

I like the Simplicity of playing Rock and Blues iconic songs from 70-80 ties on CBG with a very Rocking Sound. Always was dreaming to play Brown Sugar and here you are, now I can! As for CBS guitars building, I started in spring 2022 (after I retired) and I found this process exciting and very challenging. I developed design of flat Single Loop pick-up, which does not require making notches in the neck of CBS, like if you instal Conventional Magnetic Pick-ups. This allows to make solid body 3 String Guitars more compact and light weight. Two “3 string solid body Guitars” I made to understand details of construction and manufacturing process, selection of necessary tools. And the third one was kind of the final prototype, which has accumulated in its design all my experience from production of previous two. I also play and record songs as Slow Mick.