


Tucson, AZ


November 20

Step by step

photo.JPG Okay. This is the inside of my St Moritz one speaker transistor radio. The blue and white wires lead up to the speakers and the red wires go to the battery and outlet plug.  I am MAJORLY new at hacking and the short, step skipping, guess…

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Hey guys! New to the cigar box scene.  I am on low low low low low budget and was wondering if there was a cheaper way to solder on the piezo to the jack? I kno I need to buy the iron, but getting a hold of the tool is something my bank account is…

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Tuning Machines

Hey there guys! I am brand new to the CBG world and am currently  gathering supplies to build my first Cigar Box.  My question for you all is; Do I want to buy guitar tuning machines? Will others for a banjo or ukulele work? Does it even matter?…

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