



Asheville, NC


December 25



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  • thanks shane!......looking forward to more twang in 010!......
  • Saturday might work out OK, but I would need to leave mid-afternoon. I'll get busy and get several CBG's ready.
  • I checked out the web site today and it looks like a lot of fun. I was thinking hard about coming and bringing some CBG's, but found out tonight that we have been asked to open for the Issacs that night. I still might be able to work it in. I'll see as it gets closer. Be careful traveling.
  • Hey Robert,
    Any takers on someone to come to the festival with some CBG's?
  • Hello,
    I have started a CBN group entitled, "How to Play CBG" It is my hope and intention to encourage the "Wealth of Talent" here on the Nation to share their knowledge and skill to further the CBG movement. Please consider contributing an instructional "video" link to this group. If you are a viewer seeking instruction, please feel free to write. If you have any suggestions or know other players who you think may want to post instructional "video" links, please contact me. Thank you for your interest and support, Keni Lee
  • SEVEN,,,THE WHOHADADA GREAT FOLK ARTIST???? Robert,Willardj here...been a long time since i've seen you...Sorry to hear adout danny de bucketman...Welcome to the nation of cbg's folk art...It would be nice if WHOHADADA site was built like this site...
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