



Lawrenceville, GA


August 29

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  • Hi, thanks for your comment on my Canjo thing. If you look at this vid it might help you to see what's happening http://www.cigarboxnation.com/video/boss-rc20-loop-station-with

      After getting the loops going it's easy to just play anything, as it's fretted like a dulcimer, so no wrong notes : -)

  • Thank you Kreg for your comment. On the street, a resonator in open tuning can be a real canon. I own two CBG 6 string reso. The first one (star and moon soundholes) was made out of a turn of the century imported English jams and jellies box. I call that one my Jam - Box. The other (spade and club soundholes) was made out of a vintage Dr. Hess Fly Spray Box. Both had to be cut down because they were too thick. The box has to be heavy and solid so the sound flies out of the cone. Enjoy.
  • Thank you Kreg. It could happen. I could get my good buddy Washboard Willie (aka Bill) to do a duet with me. Lately he has been really getting into harp. Harp would add a nice touch too, but I don't think he can do both at the same time. LOL Enjoy.  

  • Thank you for your question. This video was lost. When I was preparing for the release of CD 6 (3 string CBG Part 2 - Devil Tuning) I removed the videos from my youtube account. Unfortunately, my computer crashed and this video was not backed up on my portable hard drive. Fortunately, if you are interested, the compete Devil Tuning method is taught on CD 6. www.ebay.com Search: keni lee 
  • Thank you Kreg for your comment. Glad to hear you are enjoying the CD 4 lessons.

    I agree, a CD of just songs to play would be helpful. Although, it is my ultimate hope that other players, realize through my video presentations of the Open D tuning, the versatility that it offers and begin to video tape their ideas using this tuning. I personally believe it offers a real great approach, if you would like to play chords in a manner very similar to a 6 string guitar. The limited strings makes it much easier to play (3 note chords) and arranging songs is a lot more fun bacause the theory is easier to see and understand on the fingerboard. Enjoy your practice. I greatly appreciate your interest and support.      

  • Hello Kreg,

    Thank you for your question. The little g means nothing special. I write it this way because it clarifies the bigger/thicker strings from the smaller/thinner strings. On a 6 string guitar, DADf#ad is Open D from low to high (bass to treble). Enjoy your practice, Keni Lee

  • Hello Kreg,

    Thank you for your comment. On my instructional videos, I teach songs. I explain them clearly and walk the sudent through the songs. Additionally, I explain basic music theory. I use my ear and the knowledge of theory to help me figure out songs and create my own arrangements. Basic theory is not difficult to understand. It is similar to learning to read and write. Learn the alphabet, learn to spell words, write sentences...considering the non standard approach to playing CBG, this method offers limitless creative ideas. I also teach both a CBG and 6 string version of Amazing Grace on CD 3 (How to Play 3 string CBG) Visit www.ebay.com and Search: keni lee  Enjoy your practice.        

  • Thank you Kreg for joining my group. Please feel free to write if you have any questions. Enjoy.
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