Habanera Hal's Discussions (44)

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Arlo Guthrie's Boy's Night Out Concert

Didn't really know where to post this, wanted to reach as many nation members as possible. I just posted this on Arlo.net and thought you all might enjoy it.  Hopefully, there are some of you who are old enough to know who Arlo Guthrie is and enjoy h

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Determining correct potentiometer

I purchased some 2-watt amp kits from Qkits.com (FA602).  These come with a "set it and forget it" trim pot for the volume (VR1- 10K).  I want to have a volume control on the boxes I'm putting them in so I'll wire in a pot through the speaker lead an

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How to eliminate hiss

I'm repurposing some Harbor Freight megaphones for amps.  Everything is okay as far as switching out the mic for a jack, replacing the speaker, and adding a rotary volume control in place of the slide pot.  Only problem I'm having now is an annoying

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Speaker Size for Mini Amps

I just finished up my first mini amp kit - the 2.5 watter from Gitty, and am very pleased with it.  Now I want to build more (of course).  I'm new at this and wonder how big a speaker you can drive with 2.5 - 4 watts.

Also, how long would you think a

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Small amp as Pre-amp?

Probably a stupid question, but can a small amp be installed in a CBG to be used as a pre-amp?  This kind of goes with my previous discussion of using amplified computer speakers as an amp.  What I'm thinking is if I take the PCB guts from a set of p

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Fail to plan = plan to fail

{sigh}  I just finished two (count 'em TWO) identical necks utilizing some 3-in-a-line tuners.  I thought I had a nice design going until I mounted the tuners and thought about how the strings would run.  Anyone see the problem?




In order to run

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Amplified Computer Speakers?

Anyone tried to use powered computer speakers for an amp?  Any reason for them not to work?  I'm thinking about getting a subwoofer set that has a microphone jack, pulling the guts and putting the whole thing into a (large) cigar box with a 1/4" jack

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Piezo(s) with Volume & Tone Controls?

Would like input for installing a single or dual disc style piezo with both volume and tone controls.  If I'm using  500 ohm audio taper pots, what value of capicitor should I use on the tone pot?  Do disc piezos react to tone controls at all anyway?

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More rod piezo questions

I'm doing my first builds with the a rod-style piezo.  It is 2.75" long.  The piezo has 6 "bumps" in it, where the ceramic wafers are located.

Question 1 is: when you place the piezo under the saddle, do the strings have to line up over the bumps? It

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Reading Tabs - 4 string CBGs

I'm finishing up my first 4 stringer, and just learning how to play guitar at all.  I will probably tune it ADgb (middle 4 strings of "standard" 6 string tuning).  If I understand tabs correctly, I should be able to play a standard tab, just move one

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How narrow a neck?

I'm planning out my first strumst*ck and noticed that a lot of 3-string strummers look to have a narrower neck than the common 1-1/2" most use for a CBG.  Is this an optical illusion due to the proportions, or are the necks narrower?  I'm using a sma

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Nuts and Bridges

What's your favorite material/combo?  I've been using Corian nut blanks from Witchita Sam or the old steel nut and bolt combo.


Looking on ebay, I see a lot of pre-slotted bone nuts/saddles for ukes and 6 strings.  Anyone use these?  If you use a 6

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Telephone Speakers

Cleaning out some closets the other day I found some old corded phones.  Tore them apart and saved the mic and earpieces.  Anyone use these in a CBG?  I'm thinking that old AT&T parts were pretty high quality to last for so many years and I remember

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Tuning Machines

As I get further into this hobby, the more confused I am getting regarding tuning machines.  For my first build, I picked up half a "set" of used tuners - 3 on a metal plate.  For my second build, I got a new set of "classical" tuners (again 3 on a p

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