
  • Mornin, Im Vince and i enjoy making music out of things that i can make or adapt, which led me to investigate Cigar Box Guitars a few years ago and since then have watched from afar. I currently am building a guitar out of an old briefcase and hope to soon be able to use it busking. I also play cheap conventional electric guitars (see picture) or most other thigns with strings if im left alone with the long enough.
    I am curious to see where the DIY ethos can take you in music, so have prevoously tried making music with a ZX Spectrum and a Gameboy, but nowadays i tend to use looper pedals and any kind of effects i can get my mits on and am looking forward to people being surprised by the sounds you can get from a briefcase... One of these days i shall get round to building a  "proper" cigar box guitar
    I also enjoy making animations so always willing to make things for people.

    • Vince you are very welcome. You have a broad cross section of musical interest and you are amongst friends. Many members use effects and pedal to enhance their sound. And some, as you do, hack toys etc. to make weird and wonderful instruments.

      For anyone interested in Vince's work I have posted a link on the artists page on check it ouit.

  • Hi I'm Jonathan a.k.a. Webweaver (boring origin for the name, but if anybody is interested I will tell them). I am fifty something and been dabbling with guitars off and on for 30 plus years. Never gigged or been in a band as had confidence issues (long story). Currently own six guitars: Vintage AV1; Hagstrom Viking II; Squier Affinity Strat; Indy acoustic; Michael Messer Blues Resonator and my wonderful Chickenbone John 4 string CBG. Now thinking I might like to get in touch with others of similar experience with a view to jamming. Have also dabbled in songwriting. Anyway, that's me!

    • Welcome onboard Jonathan - you may live to regret getting hitched up 'cos we're all a bit obsessed on here!

      Like you I'm a fifty something guitar owning, non-performing CBG fan who only got into this scene about two years ago (usual route - Seasick Steve on Jools Holland, hours on YouTube, Boxstock festival etc etc) but be warned, there is no known cure! I started building about 18 months ago and I'm hooked, but without the encouragement and tons of free help and advice from people like Ben (the Randy Rooster) and Chickenbone John I never would have done anything.

      Are you going to Boxstock in September? You really should try and get along - it's an absolute blast and you'll really get to understand why the buzz in the UK for these things is on the up. And the line-up of performers ain't bad either!!

      Anyway....welcome to the nuthouse matey.

    • Hi Malcolm, thanks for the welcome. Would like to get to Boxstock if posible. Only trouble is I work regular nights so may not be able to attend Friday, depending how my rota pans out, as I only work every other Friday. Thinking I might like to have a go at building some CBGs. Anyway, thanks again for the welcome.

    • Webweaver, welcome aboard. Its a great pastime and people just love the boxes when they first see one. Hopefully you can make Boxstock this year but if not there are plenty of othere things going. Why not checkout the newsletter at the top of the front page in the group.

    • Thanks for the welcome

  • Hi I am Dave aka bouydog 8-9-8. I had no history of being interested in instruments of any kind untill just over a year ago when the Professor showed me his cbg. My first reaction was I want to build one of those. Here we are a year later I have built nine and a couple of amps so far, plus a few that did not make it. It has got to the stage that my wife wont throw any thing away without checking if I can use it in a build first. My biggest frustration is that I can't play, however I have now resolved to learn, so who know's maybe this time next year?

  • Will try to go to Boxstock, but it is much further than Brum, so, i might not be able to.  We will hopefully be able to stay with some friends - ooh just wondered if there any City home games that weekend........

  • I am! Cant wait :o)

    So... Im Ben, or the Rooster. Iv been here fora little over 3 years now, and in that time have learnt a lot and made a lot of good friends. Like so many it started as a hobby but Iv built in excess of 250 Cbgs now, plus numerous amps and loads of other unidentified stuff too.

    I suppose I was instrumental (haha) in setting up the HGMC along with Chickenbone John and Smojo. That was less than a year ago - look at it now! 100 members, a range of merchandise, a website and some great events both in the planning and in the past.... and weve only just got started!

    As for playing - I do, but not in public....

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