Using a strat neck for a 4 string CBG

Have an old strat copy neck I'm thinking of using for a 4 string build, but has anyone else done this?

Do I...

a) Fill the 6 tuner holes and drill 4 new ones.

b) Use 4 of the existing holes and fill the other 2.

c) As b, but cut the headstock down a bit.

d) Use 3 holes, cut down the headstock and drill a fourth on the opposite side.

All the above look to be doable, but I've a feeling the headstock will look a bit odd full size with only 4 strings.

Option e) Build a 6 string is a non starter...I've too many of those!!!

If anyone has done this, I'd appreciate your input.

Also, did you use a "new" nut, or just use 4 of the 6 places on the existing one?

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  • I think this is the way to go...


  • Thanks to both for your comments.

    This is to keep (I don't make guitars to sell...yet!!) so I'm minded to cut down the head to a 3+1.

    As to tuning, my current thought is to use the 6th as a bass string, and then the 4,3 & 2 as a standard CBG, using the 6 string nut and leaving the gaps. If the gap isn't wide enough, it won't be too much trouble to change to 6 + 3,2,1.

    To David L, thanks for those pics, I haven't cut down a headstock before, and was a bit worried it might look odd, but I like the look of yours, especially the second one...might do that anyway, so it doesn't look so much like a strat.

  • Hi John,

    Is it to sell or keep?

    If it is to keep for now I'd leave it as it is so you still have the option of returning it to 6 (you could double up on two of the courses egDGBBee) or 8strings (dDgGBBee).  Also if you miss out positions A & B strings the string spacings would still look equal. 

    I have chopped strat heads to give 3x3 for example

    Strat neck

    finished reso 16

    but I'm not sure if a 2x2 would look a bit too stubby?

    The other options (3x1 or 4x0) are personal preference - there are various free headstock templates free from here including a strat which you can print out and play around with until you find something you like (easier than trying to trace around the head on the back of a cornflakes packet).




  • Not built one myself John but the one I tend to gig with is a 6 string that I only use four strings on.  I just string it only using the 6th, 5th, 3rd and 2nd string tuning pegs giving it a 2 sets of 2 strings  feel thats great if you like me tune to 2 sets of 4ths and 5ths. 

    I find the seperation is also great for sliding on the top strings and leaving the bass end for drone.  You also then have the option of converting it to a 6 string if you ever  want to,


    Probably not much use but thought I'd throw me tupence in,


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