Finished with a lot of help erecting my new Workshop in the Garden. A massive task with a large cardboard box containing all the parts except for the separate floor for a 7 X 8 ft Shed. How about a packet of 400 screws, a packet of 120 Nuts and Bolts, an instruction manual written by a Chinese in Peruvian and translated to Inglich by an Eskimo. And that was from an English firm. Two days hard labour but the result is worth it. Over the summer I will need to insulate it.
No excuse now not to get on with building CBGs.
"She who must be obeyed" is asking for an intercom from the house. I thought she meant for me to order cups of tea every hour but somehow I don't think that's what she means.
Here's a few pics.
As u can see from the photo I have started to do the insulation using Polystyrene Sheets from a Packing Supply Company
Quite cheap but the glue I am using is dear any suggestions for a glue that is acceptable to polystyrene. ie don't melt it.
Done the roof ? ceiling I mean and top half of the walls , painted with whatever I can find in pale Emulsion paints in my store.
Getting a supply of CBGs going as wee. Working on a 4 string and a 6 string at the moment.
Interesting gits on that pic mate, like it!
Its great to have a dedicated workshop mine is 12 x12 and 9 foot high
Nice one mate, a few years back, I had a friend just down the road who bought a shed like that off a bit of a local 'wheeler dealer' called locally 'Bob the Knob'! I was on two weeks holiday from the bus garage where we both worked and he asked me would I help him to get the shed build started? Like the twat I am, I said 'yeah mate, no probs'! I got the slabs laid, and then started on the 'lego set', it took days and days, I used to dream of nuts and bolts in my sleep! His missus kept bringing out tea and coffee and snacks, in the end I had to tell her that I needed to crack on! He meanwhile, was doing overtime at work, all planned I think, and eventually after a few days of dreading the next day, I got it finished! The following weekend his dad came over, and the first thing he said was 'if it had been me, I'd have put it in that corner out of the way'! I bit my tongue, a friendship is a friendship after all! Or is it? 3 or 4 weeks later he left his missus and went back to his ex wife who lived over Eastbourne way somewhere! Never seen him since! The shed? she sold that to the geezer next door, and then did a house swop with a younger couple who wanted a garden for their little kids to play in! I retired last July and recently bought an 8' x 6' heavy duty pent roofed shed as a workshop and it took me a few days to single handedly build a raised base and erect it, but it was well worth the effort, it's my little kingdom in there, away from the rest of the world, paradise!
Slim, ma man, that is a story worth tellin around the campfire. What say you me, and as many others as we can get, contact Bob the Knob for some cheap booze and a few tents (we bring our own CB Gitars), and have a party in the hills (or, more likely, somebody's back garden ;)
Lovely thought mate, Bob the Knob is away in one of her Majesty's hotels at the minute, could be the Lewes Prison one! I could try his 'cell' phone if you like, but I think it's 'lights out' quite early where he's staying. He is in there for something he never did in the first place! Yeah he never saw the police car coming round the corner, some look out man he was 'eh? Seriously though that would be a great weekend camp wouldn't it?
Cell phone/never saw police; like it ! lol
Yes, got good vibes, that idea of open air campfire stuff, wi CB gitars playing.Sh*ttin in the bushes (or maybe, "PLAYING s*hit " in the bushes (once the booze takes effect! lol). Ah', just an old romantic, and saw too many old cowboy films, Slim ma man (think you were in one, btw, or was that ANOTHER Slilm) . Wait a min, maybe WAS you, as was called Slim PICKENS, (guitar pickens?)
Shucks man, all that plastic surgery, fakin' my own death, and STILL
you recognise me! Man oh man, you sure is some detective!
He hee . Was this page originally about a shed, or something like that! ah forget! Lol ( sorry, Tony, ma man ;)