Having to stop building

Hi Guys Due to my health not been to good I have decided to stop building,i have a couple of guitars need finishing plus one or two odds and ends to sell.If there is anyone in  the east yorkshire area want to pop round and make me an offer for these they would be most welcome. I have just had a really fantasic 4 string resso built for me using chicken bone johns resso packs fom ebay  by Shane Wagstaff from mansfield a member on here.  I love it.I am planning a 3 string resso later on can anyone recamend a decent cbg pic up please Mal (Hull)

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  • Sorry to hear that man, am in west yorkshire you any gits for sale?
  • Sorry ta hear health not permitting your building, Mal. "Loose a builder, gain a player" ,or a more PROLIFIC player! ( Ah said that). Ah'll let you be in ma beer if ah can be in yours (Bob said that!)  :)

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